
Mostrando entradas de 2017

My experience using blogs in the English class

Friends this is my last post about English’s class, I hope that you were enjoyed reading all my posts, so for today I have prepared a post with my experience using this blog in the English class. I think that use this blog has been a very interesting form to learn and practice the English. I feel that in all this term I have improved my writing skills,  in first, the postings were short so I wrote just the most important. My vocabulary has increased too, because many times for redacting that I wanted  was necessary search the significate of many unfamiliar words and translate of the Spanish to English. and too has been a great opportunity for my  readers to correct me and in this way improve my English. In the future I would like to include things like more personals opinion, about issues with greater national or global contingency, like the actual situation of weather, armed conflict in other countries, the animal extinction, the increase of the old age, etc  Something very

My favorite subject on this term

As I tell you before, I am in the second year of psychology, more specifically in the fourth semester, which has been very hard. I have seven subjects, and for be honest the most interesting has been Development II. This subject is a Professorship dictation for three teachers, Claudia, Loreto and Daniela. Is divided in three stages, everyone teaches for one teacher expert on the subject. Child development with Claudia, Adolescent Development with Loreto and finally Adulthood development with Daniela. Every stage has been very different, more tan the content for the way in wich each teacher teaches. The principal author that we revised was jean Piaget, who talk about the cognitive development. But we saw too other types of development like the Social, Moral, identity and affective, which are present in every  stage of the human´s development.    I loved this subject because is very interesting how the human grows up, in the psychological, beyond the physical sphere. The re

The expert person on my field that I admire

Hello everybody, today I going to talk about the person that I admire on my discipline, Psychology, He is John Bowlby John was a British psychologist, he was born on England on 1907. He grew up under the rigid costumes of this county, his father was a doctor and his mother don’t worked but seen him just one hour in the afternoon after the “tea”. Both considered like all the parents of the same social class, that too much parental attention will be bad for him. He was raised for a nanny; however, she lives the house when he was four, this was considered like a separation maternal for him. Later he was send to boarding school with the other children of his social class. In the University he studied Psychology, more later he studied medicine, did a specializing on psychiatry and finally did a specializing in psychoanalysis, title that obtained on 1937. He died on 1990 His principal attainment was the attachment theory on the decade of sixty, which refer to the innate motivation

My Favourite Photo

Hi everyone, today I going to talk about my favourite photo This photo was taken by my cousin and friend, Paola, she have 23 years old. it was on this summer, in January, I was camping with my cousin paola, and our friend Lily, in a beach from valdivia. it was the second day,  the weather was good, with a big and beautiful sun. Afternoon fell and we were a little bored so we decided to walk for the sand, and "explorer" this beach. We  walked a lot until we saw a very nice place in the side of the beach, we arrived there, there were a big stones, with a espectacular view of the sunset. I like because This photo reminds me one of my best summer, in speacilly the sunset, I have never seen something like that before, the colours in the sky, on the water, the wind, and the company of my friends was perfect.


Hi everyone, today I gonna talk about my favorite pet, my cat. Well I like the animals in generally, since I was a child, but always I have prefer the cats, I dont know the reason, but I think because are soft, quiet, sleepers and clean. My favorite pet is Floyd, he is my cat. I friend gave to me for christmas three years ago, when he was a baby cat, so white, small. I loved him from the beginning.  Now he is a very big and fat cat, is white with some gray spots, on his spine and face, up the eyes, like eyebrows.  He likes the yogurt, when I am eating, he looks me and chase to me, for eat too. is very curious, when somebody knock the door, he go to the window and look. for who is. I would never hate him, is more than a pet, is part of my family.  The really is that I miss him a lot, cause he is in my house in valdivia, I would like that he stay with me but the space here is not apropied.  I think that the animals are very important for the people, they

My favourite piece of technology

Hi my dear readers, today I going to tell you about my favourite piece of technology. My old dicsman, a portable CD´s player. My best friend Vanessa gave me for my eight birthday, I suppose that she knew that I love listen to my CDs, but I could not did in other place that in the radio of my room. This is green whit black, aren´t  my favourite colours but I think is perfect, isn´t so big, like others, so I arrived with me to all the places that I visited. I used to used it all time, I changed the batteries every two weeks. Today I don´t used it because I have a cell phone with spotify, is more fast and easy find new artist or music, however is in my house in Valdivia very safe in my memories box, I considere that without it my childhood could have been different some bored and sad .

My studies

Hello again, today I gonna tell you about my studies. When a was a child I was very curious, I don´t remember why, but I liked the dinosaurs, so, since fourth grade I thought with be a famous paleontologist. In the last year of secundary, arrive the moment to choose a career, I was very confused, cause I had three options, history´teacher, visuals art, or psychology. I wanted to do all, and I like many things. It was very complicated but in the end I decide for only one, psychology. Because I understood that I want to help people with their problems, and the other two careers can be a hobby, you know, always I can read a history book or paint a wall.  In the university, my experience has been very interesting, I like the heterogeneous ambience, the people is very awesome , and the teachers I think that  they are very clever and nice people. So I can to talk with they about the things that I like. I have learn a lot here I believe that I am a very lucky person.  In the f

About me

Hi classmates ¡¡ Today I going to tell you about my life My name is Carolina Carcamo, and I'm 19. I was born in Valdivia on 1997, I don´t have any brothers or sisters neither grandparents, they died. We used to live in the country, I remember that we lived in a big house, with many pets. Four years later we moved to other house near the city and smaller, I really like this house I think that is perfect for me and my parents. In 2004 I started the college, I still remember the first day, I made many friends, like vanessa and catalina, we are still friends . I always like to study, specially natural science, I dreamed to be a famous explorer and had a dinosaur. In the fourth grade I began to like the poetry, my teacher Norma, always invited me to another school to recite poetry.In the eighth grade My parents moved to me to other college with the pretexts that was better college. I did new friend but I missed my old friends, was a very bored year. In the secondary I went to the c