
Hi everyone, today I gonna talk about my favorite pet, my cat.
Well I like the animals in generally, since I was a child, but always I have prefer the cats, I dont know the reason, but I think because are soft, quiet, sleepers and clean.
My favorite pet is Floyd, he is my cat. I friend gave to me for christmas three years ago, when he was a baby cat, so white, small. I loved him from the beginning. Now he is a very big and fat cat, is white with some gray spots, on his spine and face, up the eyes, like eyebrows. 
He likes the yogurt, when I am eating, he looks me and chase to me, for eat too. is very curious, when somebody knock the door, he go to the window and look. for who is.
I would never hate him, is more than a pet, is part of my family. 

The really is that I miss him a lot, cause he is in my house in valdivia, I would like that he stay with me but the space here is not apropied. 
I think that the animals are very important for the people, they give love without expecting anything in return. when we are stressed they are there for us. Some couples prefer have a pet instead childrens. The only bad is their 
hair, some people is alergic to the animals. but today there are antiallergics.

The pets deserv all the aenities possible, like food, space, a bed, but the most important is love, and a home.
