About me

Hi classmates ¡¡
Today I going to tell you about my life
My name is Carolina Carcamo, and I'm 19. I was born in Valdivia on 1997, I don´t have any brothers or sisters neither grandparents, they died. We used to live in the country, I remember that we lived in a big house, with many pets. Four years later we moved to other house near the city and smaller, I really like this house I think that is perfect for me and my parents. In 2004 I started the college, I still remember the first day, I made many friends, like vanessa and catalina, we are still friends . I always like to study, specially natural science, I dreamed to be a famous explorer and had a dinosaur. In the fourth grade I began to like the poetry, my teacher Norma, always invited me to another school to recite poetry.In the eighth grade My parents moved to me to other college with the pretexts that was better college. I did new friend but I missed my old friends, was a very bored year. In the secondary I went to the college Rodulfo Amando Philippi the abbreviation was R.A.P something very funny. In 2014 arrived to the college a new teacher of art, her name was Carolina, like me, before I don't like the arts but she teach to me the real significance of the expressions arts like pain or draw, so in the final grade a was very confused about the university studies, between arts, history or psychology. Finally I decided for the last opcion. Today I´m study psychology in the university of chile, in stgo of Chile and I live alone. and I miss a lot to my parents, my friends, the place, the air, and especially to my cat. I have three pets, two dogs, rocky and hachy and a cat, called Floyd, like Pink floyd. 
In my free time I like to watch  movies, listen to music and draw sometimes.


  1. I changed of school too when i was a little girl, is very difficult accustom oneself, but there are always good people to share with.

  2. Great decision to study psychology, later can relate to your hobbies, would be a good combination ����

  3. I understand who difficult it's to change of city and to leave the family, I lived it too, but I feel better now. I hope that you feel better too !


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